Can anyone confirm me the status of Italy visa appointment in Pakistan for students? Are appointments open for the visas?

Active 0 Reply 408 Views 2024-09-09 10:38:35

Status of Italy Student Visa Appointments in Pakistan

Yes, according to several sources, appointments for student visas in Pakistan are currently open. Here's how you can confirm and book one:

BLS International Services: BLS is a partner for the Italian Embassy/Consulate in Pakistan. You can find information on their website, including how to book an appointment: [BLS Italy Pakistan]

VFS Global: VFS is another authorized partner for Italy. Their website also has information on booking appointments for student visas: [vfs global italy pakistan ON [invalid URL removed]]

Additionally, the Embassy of Italy in Islamabad might accept appointments directly. You can contact them through their website for details: [Embassy of Italy in Islamabad]

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