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Do I answer yes or no to โ€œHas your U.S. Visa ever been lost or stolen?โ€ if my lost visa was not the same category as the visa I am renewing now?

1 Posts
1 Users
Immigration Experts @visaliv
Posts: 1865
Joined: 9 months ago
Lost Visa Dilemma: Navigating the 'Has your U.S. Visa ever been lost or stolen?' Question in Visa Renewal

The answer depends on the specific wording of the question and the official application guidance for the visa you are renewing. Here are some considerations:

  1. Question Wording:
  • If the question is strictly "Has your U.S. Visa ever been lost or stolen?" then you could technically answer "no" since the lost visa wasn't in the same category as the current one. However, this might raise suspicion if the authorities discover the lost visa during processing.
  • If the question includes additional clauses like "lost, stolen, canceled, or revoked," then it's safer to answer "yes" and clarify the situation in the additional information section. This shows transparency and avoids potential complications later.
  1. Official Guidance:
  • Check the official application guide for the specific visa you are renewing.ย It might have specific instructions on how to handle situations where previous visas were lost or stolen,ย regardless of the category.
  1. Risk Assessment:
  • Weigh the potential risks of each answer.ย While answering "no" might seem easier,ย it can lead to delays or even rejection if the discrepancy is discovered later.ย Choosing "yes" and explaining the situation upfront minimizes the risk of issues.


