How difficult is it to get tier 2 visa sponsorship jobs in IT as a student post-Brexit in the UK?

Active 0 Reply 69 Views 2024-11-15 11:43:06

How hard is IT Tier 2 visa sponsorship post-Brexit?

Securing a Tier 2 (now known as a Skilled Worker visa) sponsorship in IT can be challenging for international students in the UK, especially after Brexit, which has added complexity to immigration policies. However, opportunities remain, particularly in sectors with skills shortages.

For students in IT, demand remains steady as the tech sector consistently faces a talent gap. Many UK employers in IT, finance, and professional services actively sponsor Skilled Worker visas. In fact, tech-related roles are among the sectors granted significant numbers of work visas post-Brexit, accounting for around 5% of these visas in recent years. However, the competitiveness has increased due to higher salary thresholds and specific job requirements that employers must meet to sponsor these visas, often making it more challenging for entry-level candidates without specialized experience.

Big companies and consulting firms, including ""Big 4"" firms and large tech employers, are among the most likely to sponsor visas. Many of these organizations recruit from targeted universities and are open to sponsoring international graduates. Nevertheless, smaller firms may be more hesitant due to the cost and administrative effort involved in visa sponsorship. As a result, candidates may need strong academic credentials, in-demand skills, and sometimes prior internship experience to be competitive.

The UK's post-study Graduate Visa, introduced in 2021, has become a valuable option for international students. This visa allows graduates to work in the UK for up to two years (three for doctoral students) without sponsorship. This period can be used to gain experience, improve employability, and seek sponsorship from an employer willing to transition them to a Skilled Worker visa later on.

While securing sponsorship may not be straightforward, strategic networking, targeting larger tech employers, and gaining relevant skills can improve the chances of obtaining a sponsored position in IT post-graduation VisaHelp Taylor Wessing Migration Observatory Job Ready English.

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