What is the minimum salary for a new grad in UK to get visa sponsorship, do they also needed a 38k annual salary to get sponsorship, most of the organisations are not willing to provide that salary to a new grad?

Active 0 Reply 69 Views 2024-10-03 10:51:50

What’s the Minimum Salary for UK Grad Visa Sponsorship?

For a new graduate to get a UK Skilled Worker visa (formerly Tier 2 General visa) sponsorship, the minimum salary usually needs to meet the general salary threshold of £26,200 per year or the "going rate" for the specific job, whichever is higher. However, new graduates under certain roles on the Shortage Occupation List may have a lower salary requirement. The £38k threshold is typically for more experienced roles, so as a new grad, you don’t necessarily need that high a salary unless it’s for a specific job type.

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