"What visas can I apply for in Australia form 1026i? "

Active 0 Reply 90 Views 2024-09-09 10:39:41

Which Visas Can I Apply for in Australia Using Form 1026i?

Form 1026i from the Department of Home Affairs indicates limitations on applying for certain visas while you're in Australia. It applies if you've had a previous visa refusal or cancellation on character grounds.

Here's what the form restricts:

• You cannot apply for most visas** except for a Protection visa**. This type of visa is meant for people seeking asylum or refuge in Australia.

• The restriction might apply even if your previous visa belonged to a different category.

There's a possibility to remove this restriction, but it requires demonstrating compassionate and compelling reasons.

Here are some resources for further information:

• The official Australian government page on Form 1026i: [Australian limitations on applications form ON Department of Home Affairs (.gov.au) immi.homeaffairs.gov.au]

• You can also contact the Department of Home Affairs at 131 881 (within Australia) for further clarification on your specific situation.

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