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I am on a one-year skilled worker visa in the UK with less than six months to expire. Can my wife apply for a dependent visa to join me?

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Immigration Experts @visaliv
Posts: 1865
Joined: 9 months ago
Family Reunion on the Horizon: Exploring Dependent Visa Options for Spouses of Skilled Workers in the UK with Less Than Six Months Remaining on the Visa

Yes, your wife can still apply for a dependent visa to join you in the UK even though your Skilled Worker visa has less than six months left to expire. However, there are some important factors to consider:

  1. Meeting the eligibility criteria: Your wife will need to meet all the eligibility requirements for a dependent visa, including:
  • Being married to you or your civil partner: You must have a valid marriage or civil partnership recognized in the UK.
  • Maintaining a genuine relationship: You must demonstrate that you have a genuine and subsisting relationship with your wife and intend to live together in the UK.
  • Financial requirements: You will need to show that you have sufficient income to support both yourself and your wife without relying on public funds. The minimum income requirement is currently £28,560 per year.
  • English language requirements: Your wife may need to meet English language requirements depending on her nationality.
  1. Visa processing time: The processing time for dependent visas can vary, but it is currently around 3 months. This means that it is possible that your wife's visa may not be granted before your Skilled Worker visa expires.
  2. Extending your Skilled Worker visa: If your wife's visa application is still pending when your Skilled Worker visa expires, you may be able to extend your visa to allow her to join you. You will need to contact UK Visas and Immigration to discuss your options.
  3. Alternative options: Depending on your circumstances, there may be other options available to your wife, such as applying for a visitor visa or starting a new visa application once you have renewed your Skilled Worker visa.
