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Is it legal to seek employment on a visit visa in Dubai, or is obtaining a job seeker visa mandatory for job hunting in the city?

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Immigration Experts @visaliv
Posts: 1865
Joined: 9 months ago
Understanding Employment Opportunities in Dubai: Navigating Visa Requirements for Job Seekers

It is illegal to seek employment while on a visit visa in Dubai. Visit visas, regardless of their duration (30, 60, or 90 days), are strictly for tourism and leisure purposes and do not grant any work authorization. Engaging in any form of employment, even unpaid internships or volunteering, while on a visit visa is a violation of UAE immigration laws and can lead to serious consequences, including:

  • Fines:Significant fines can be imposed for working illegally,ย ranging from several thousand Dirhams to tens of thousands depending on the offense.
  • Deportation:You may be deported from the UAE and blacklisted from re-entering for a period of time.
  • Criminal record:In extreme cases,ย you may even face criminal charges.

Therefore, obtaining a job seeker visa is mandatory if you intend to job hunt in Dubai. The UAE offers special visit visas, typically valid for 60, 90, or 120 days, specifically designed for job seekers. These visas allow you to legally attend interviews, network with potential employers, and explore job opportunities within the country.
