Les 7 Cascades, Mauritius: Scenic hiking destination featuring seven waterfalls surrounded by lush greenery and trails.

Les 7 Cascades: Trek and Explore Waterfalls

Les 7 Cascades, also known as the Seven Waterfalls or Tamarind Falls, is a stunning natural attraction located in the southwest part of Mauritius. Here’s a detailed description:

Visitor Fee: There may be a small admission fee to access certain parts of Les 7 Cascades, particularly if you join a guided tour. Prices can vary, so it’s advisable to check in advance. Some areas are accessible for free.

Transportation: Les 7 Cascades can be reached by various means of transportation:

  • By Car: If you have access to a car, you can drive to the trailhead. There is parking available near the entrance.
  • Taxi: Taxis are readily available in Mauritius, and you can hire one to take you to the starting point of the trek.
  • Guided Tours: Many visitors opt for guided tours, which often include transportation from their accommodation.

Things to Do:

  1. Trekking: The primary activity at Les 7 Cascades is trekking. Visitors can explore the network of trails that lead to the seven waterfalls, each offering its unique charm. The trails pass through lush forests and offer opportunities for wildlife and birdwatching.
  2. Swimming: Many of the waterfall pools are suitable for swimming. The cool, freshwater pools provide a refreshing break during the trek.
  3. Photography: The scenic beauty of the waterfalls, surrounded by lush greenery, is a paradise for photographers.

Les 7 Cascades, Mauritius: Series of seven waterfalls offering beautiful scenery and hiking opportunities.

Why People Enjoy Coming Here:

  • Natural Beauty: Les 7 Cascades is renowned for its natural beauty, offering a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
  • Adventure: Trekking through the forest and discovering each waterfall is an adventure that attracts nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.

Age: Les 7 Cascades is a natural geological formation, and its age is linked to the geological history of Mauritius.

List of Activities:

  • Trekking
  • Swimming
  • Photography
  • Birdwatching
  • Wildlife spotting

Additional Nearby Attractions:

  • Chamarel: The village of Chamarel, known for its “Seven Colored Earths” and Chamarel Waterfall, is not far from Les 7 Cascades. It’s worth exploring for its unique geological features.
  • Black River Gorges National Park: Located nearby, this national park is a haven for hikers and nature lovers, with a network of trails and abundant wildlife.