In a significant development, two individuals have been arrested for their involvement in a visa fraud scheme amounting to ₹39 Lakh (approximately $50,000) in Chandigarh, India. The case centers around fraudulent claims made by the suspects, offering to facilitate U.S. visa processing for aspiring applicants, with promises of guaranteed approval in exchange for hefty fees.
The fraudsters allegedly duped several individuals by posing as agents with insider connections to U.S. visa authorities. They misled the victims by offering false assurances about securing U.S. visas, making them believe their applications would be expedited. In return, they collected large sums of money from the applicants.
The victims were promised U.S. tourist and student visas but later found their applications to be rejected or never processed. Upon investigation, it was revealed that no actual visa applications had been filed, and the money paid was pocketed by the scammers. The scam took advantage of individuals' hopes for a better future abroad and their lack of awareness of legitimate visa procedures.
The arrested suspects are facing serious charges related to fraud, criminal conspiracy, and misrepresentation. Authorities have cautioned the public to be vigilant when dealing with visa consultants and to avoid services promising assured outcomes.
This case serves as a reminder of the importance of working with authorized and credible sources when applying for visas. Applicants are advised to carefully research and verify the credentials of visa agencies or consultants before engaging in any transactions.