Manaus Opera House in Brazil - Historic opera house in the Amazon, renowned for its architectural beauty and performances.

Manaus Opera House: Architectural Jewel Tours and Shows

Visitor Fee: The entrance fee for a guided tour of the opera house is approximately R$ 20 for adults.

Transportation: The opera house is located in the center of Manaus and is accessible by taxi, bus, and walking.

Things to Do:

  • Take guided tours
  • Attend opera performances
  • Explore the historical architecture

Manaus Opera House in Brazil - Historic opera house in the Amazon, renowned for architectural beauty and performances.

Why People Enjoy Coming Here: The beautiful architecture, rich history, and cultural performances make it a significant landmark.

How Old is this Place: The Manaus Opera House was inaugurated in 1896, making it 128 years old as of 2024.

List of Activities:

  • Guided tours
  • Opera performances
  • Sightseeing

Additional Nearby Attractions:

  • Meeting of the Waters
  • Adolpho Lisboa Market
  • Rio Negro Palace