Parque Nacional da Tijuca in Brazil - Urban forest in Rio de Janeiro with hiking trails and scenic viewpoints.

Parque Nacional da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro: Urban Forest

Visitor Fee: There is no general entrance fee, but some specific attractions within the park may charge fees.

Transportation: The park is accessible by taxi, bus, and nearby metro stations.

Things to Do:

  • Hiking trails
  • Wildlife watching
  • Visiting waterfalls
  • Exploring the botanical gardens

Parque Nacional da Tijuca in Brazil - Urban forest in Rio de Janeiro with hiking trails and scenic viewpoints.

Why People Enjoy Coming Here: The lush rainforest, the variety of trails, and the opportunity to see wildlife make it a popular spot.

How Old is this Place: Parque Nacional da Tijuca was established in 1961.

List of Activities:

  • Hiking
  • Wildlife watching
  • Waterfall visits
  • Botanical exploration

Additional Nearby Attractions:

  • Christ the Redeemer
  • Parque Lage
  • Vista Chinesa