Ciudad Perdida (Lost City) in Colombia - Ancient archaeological site hidden in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

Ciudad Perdida (Lost City) - Ancient Trek

Location: Ciudad Perdida, also known as the Lost City, is an ancient archaeological site located in the Sierra Nevada mountains of Colombia.

Visitor Fee: A visitor fee is required to access Ciudad Perdida. The fee may include guided tours and camping arrangements. Prices can vary, and it's essential to check the latest fees and regulations before planning your visit.


  1. Start Point: The journey typically begins in the town of El Mamey. To reach El Mamey, you may need to take a bus or private transportation from Santa Marta.
  2. Hiking: There is no direct road access to Ciudad Perdida. The only way to reach the site is by hiking the challenging trails that lead through the lush Sierra Nevada mountains.
  3. Guided Tours: Due to the remote location and challenging terrain, visitors usually join guided multi-day tours offered by authorized tour operators.

Things to Do:

  1. Hiking Adventure: The trek to Ciudad Perdida is a multi-day hiking adventure, crossing rivers, dense jungles, and steep terrain.
  2. Explore the Ruins: Ciudad Perdida consists of terraces, staircases, and structures that offer a glimpse into the ancient Tayrona civilization.
  3. Connect with Nature: The journey takes you through diverse ecosystems, allowing you to appreciate the rich biodiversity of the Sierra Nevada.
  4. Camping: Overnight stays are part of the experience, with campsites strategically located along the trail.
  5. Cultural Immersion: Interaction with indigenous communities along the way provides a unique cultural experience.

Ciudad Perdida (Lost City) in Colombia: An ancient archaeological site in the Sierra Nevada, older than Machu Picchu.

Why People Enjoy Coming Here:

  1. Historical Significance: Ciudad Perdida is believed to have been founded around 800 CE, making it older than Machu Picchu. It holds immense archaeological and historical importance.
  2. Challenging Adventure: The trek is physically demanding, attracting adventure seekers and those looking for a unique challenge.
  3. Natural Beauty: The Sierra Nevada mountains offer breathtaking landscapes, from dense rainforests to mountainous terrain.
  4. Cultural Exchange: Meeting indigenous communities and learning about their traditions adds a cultural dimension to the experience.

Age of the Place: Ciudad Perdida is estimated to be over 1,000 years old, dating back to around 800 CE.

List of Activities:

  1. Multi-Day Hike: The trek typically takes 4 to 6 days, covering challenging terrain.
  2. Archaeological Exploration: Explore the terraces, staircases, and structures of Ciudad Perdida.
  3. River Crossings: The trail involves crossing rivers, adding to the adventure.
  4. Camping: Stay overnight at designated campsites along the route.
  5. Cultural Interaction: Learn about the traditions and way of life of the indigenous communities.

Additional Nearby Attractions:

  1. Tayrona National Natural Park: After completing the Ciudad Perdida trek, some visitors explore the nearby Tayrona National Natural Park for its beautiful beaches and diverse ecosystems.
  2. Santa Marta: The coastal city of Santa Marta is a gateway to the Sierra Nevada mountains and offers its own attractions, including historical sites and beaches.