La Guajira Desert in Colombia - Desert region with unique landscapes, indigenous culture, and beautiful beaches.

La Guajira Desert - Stark Beauty of Northern Colombia

Location: La Guajira Desert is situated in the northernmost part of Colombia, encompassing the La Guajira Peninsula. The peninsula is shared between Colombia and Venezuela.

Visitor Fee: There may not be a specific entrance fee to access the La Guajira Desert. However, guided tours and certain attractions within the region may have associated fees. It's recommended to check for the latest information.


  1. From Riohacha: Riohacha, the capital of the La Guajira Department, is often the starting point for trips to the desert. From Riohacha, visitors can hire local guides, join tours, or rent vehicles for exploration.
  2. 4x4 Vehicles: Due to the desert terrain, many areas are best accessed by 4x4 vehicles. Guided tours often use these vehicles to navigate the sandy landscapes.
  3. Public Transportation: Public buses and shared taxis may be available for travel between towns and cities in the La Guajira region.

Things to Do:

  1. Visit Cabo de la Vela: A picturesque coastal village with beautiful beaches and cultural experiences. It's a popular destination for kite surfing.
  2. Explore Punta Gallinas: The northernmost point of South America, known for its stunning landscapes, dunes, and indigenous Wayuu communities.
  3. Meet the Wayuu People: La Guajira is home to the Wayuu, an indigenous community with a rich cultural heritage. Visitors often engage with the local communities to learn about their traditions and crafts.
  4. Enjoy Desert Landscapes: Experience the unique beauty of the desert with its expansive dunes, arid landscapes, and vast horizons.

La Guajira Desert in Colombia: A desert region known for its dramatic landscapes and indigenous Wayuu culture.

Why People Enjoy Coming Here:

  1. Cultural Immersion: La Guajira offers the opportunity to interact with the Wayuu people, learning about their customs, traditions, and artisanal crafts.
  2. Natural Beauty: The desert landscapes, including sandy dunes, rugged coastlines, and unique flora, attract those seeking untouched natural beauty.
  3. Adventure and Exploration: Travelers looking for off-the-beaten-path destinations enjoy the sense of adventure that comes with exploring the remote and less-commercialized La Guajira region.

Age of the Place: The La Guajira Desert has formed over geological time, shaped by wind and weather patterns. The indigenous Wayuu communities have inhabited the region for centuries.

List of Activities:

  1. Cabo de la Vela Beaches: Relax on the beaches of Cabo de la Vela and explore the surrounding landscapes.
  2. Punta Gallinas Excursion: Take a journey to Punta Gallinas to explore its dunes, beaches, and the iconic lighthouse.
  3. Wayuu Cultural Experiences: Engage with Wayuu communities, learn about their traditional weaving, and purchase handmade crafts.
  4. Photography: Capture the stark beauty of the desert, vibrant sunsets, and the unique culture of the region.

Additional Nearby Attractions:

  1. Manaure Salt Flats: Witness the expansive salt flats in Manaure, where salt is extracted from the sea. It's located along the northern coast.
  2. Riohacha: Explore the capital city of the La Guajira Department, known for its beaches, colorful architecture, and cultural attractions.