Cenote Ik Kil in Mexico: A beautiful open-air cenote near Chichen Itza, popular for swimming and cliff diving

Cenote Ik Kil: Dive into Yucatan's Popular Swimming Hole

Cenote Ik Kil is a breathtaking cenote located in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. Cenotes are natural sinkholes that were considered sacred by the ancient Maya civilization. Here’s a detailed description of Cenote Ik Kil:

Visitor Fee:

There is an entrance fee to access Cenote Ik Kil. As of my last update in September 2021, the fee for international visitors was around 80 Mexican Pesos, and for national visitors, it was around 70 Mexican Pesos. These fees may have changed since then, so it’s best to check the current admission prices before planning your visit.


Cenote Ik Kil is conveniently located along the highway between the popular tourist destinations of Chichen Itza and Valladolid. Here are some common ways to reach Cenote Ik Kil:

  • Car: If you’re driving, Cenote Ik Kil has a parking area for visitors. It’s easily accessible by car from Chichen Itza (about 10 minutes) and Valladolid (about 30 minutes).
  • Tour: Many guided tours to Chichen Itza include a stop at Cenote Ik Kil. If you’re on a guided tour, transportation will be provided.
  • Public Transportation: Public buses run between Valladolid and Chichen Itza, and you can ask the driver to drop you off at Cenote Ik Kil.

Things to Do:

Cenote Ik Kil offers a unique and refreshing experience in a natural swimming pool surrounded by lush greenery. Some of the main things to do at Cenote Ik Kil include:

  • Swimming: Take a refreshing swim in the crystal-clear waters of the cenote. The water is cool and provides a perfect respite from the Yucatan heat.
  • Cliff Jumping: For the adventurous, there’s a platform for cliff jumping into the cenote’s deep waters.
  • Observation: Admire the cenote’s impressive limestone walls, the hanging vines, and the unique circular opening above that allows sunlight to filter through.

Relaxation: Relax on the cenote’s edge or on the surrounding sunbathing areas and enjoy the serene atmosphere.

Cenote Ik Kil, Mexico: Famous cenote near Chichen Itza, known for its picturesque setting and deep, crystal-clear waters

Why People Enjoy Coming Here:

Cenote Ik Kil is a popular destination among tourists and locals alike for several reasons. Its natural beauty and mystical allure make it an attractive spot for swimming, relaxation, and adventure. The cenote’s lush surroundings create a tranquil environment, and the cool waters offer a refreshing escape from the tropical heat. Visitors are captivated by the cenote’s enchanting atmosphere, making it a must-visit attraction in the Yucatan Peninsula.

How Old is This Place:

Cenote Ik Kil, like other cenotes in the Yucatan Peninsula, has a geological history dating back millions of years. These cenotes were formed by the collapse of limestone bedrock, revealing the underground rivers and water-filled caverns that are characteristic of the region. The cenote’s cultural and spiritual significance dates back to the ancient Maya civilization, which considered them sacred and used them for various rituals and ceremonies.

Additional Nearby Attractions:

Besides Cenote Ik Kil, there are other attractions and destinations in the Yucatan Peninsula that visitors can explore:

  • Chichen Itza: Visit the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.
  • Valladolid: Explore the charming colonial town of Valladolid, known for its colorful streets, historic architecture, and local cuisine.
  • Ek Balam: Discover the archaeological site of Ek Balam, featuring well-preserved Mayan structures and intricate sculptures.
  • Cenote Hubiku: Visit the nearby Cenote Hubiku, another stunning cenote located close to Cenote Ik Kil.

List of Activities:

  • Swimming in the cool and crystal-clear waters of Cenote Ik Kil.
  • Cliff jumping for an adrenaline-pumping experience.
  • Observing the unique cenote formation and its lush surroundings.
  • Relaxing and sunbathing by the cenote’s edge.
  • Combining a visit to Cenote Ik Kil with nearby archaeological sites and towns.