Monte Alban in Mexico: Ancient Zapotec city on a majestic mountaintop near Oaxaca City, renowned for its archaeology

Monte Alban: Visit the Ancient Ruins in Oaxaca

Monte Albán is an ancient archaeological site located on a hilltop overlooking the city of Oaxaca in southern Mexico. It was the capital of the Zapotec civilization and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here’s a detailed description of Monte Albán:

Visitor Fee:

As of my last update in September 2021, the entrance fee to Monte Albán for national visitors was around 80 Mexican Pesos, and for international visitors, it was approximately 481 Mexican Pesos. The fee includes access to the archaeological site and the on-site museum. Please note that prices may have changed since then, so it’s best to check the current fees before planning your visit.


Monte Albán is located about 9 kilometers (5.6 miles) from the city of Oaxaca. There are several ways to get to the site:

  • Tour Bus: Many tour operators in Oaxaca offer guided tours to Monte Albán, which usually include transportation to and from the site.
  • Taxi or Private Car: You can hire a taxi or use a rideshare service to reach Monte Albán from Oaxaca.
  • Public Transportation: You can also take a local bus from Oaxaca to the site. Buses run regularly throughout the day.

Things to Do:

Monte Albán offers a fascinating journey into the ancient past, with impressive ruins and a glimpse of the Zapotec civilization. Some of the main things to do at Monte Albán include:

  • Exploring the Ruins: Wander through the ancient structures, including pyramids, temples, ball courts, and platforms, which showcase the architectural achievements of the Zapotec people.
  • Great Plaza: Visit the Great Plaza, the heart of the city, surrounded by monumental buildings, and offering panoramic views of the valley below.
  • Observatory: Marvel at the unique Observatory, an astronomical structure that was likely used for astronomical and calendrical observations.

Museum: Visit the on-site museum to learn more about the history and culture of Monte Albán and see artifacts excavated from the site.

Monte Alban, Mexico: Ancient Zapotec city near Oaxaca, offering impressive ruins and panoramic views

Why People Enjoy Coming Here:

People enjoy visiting Monte Albán because of its historical and cultural significance. It provides a unique opportunity to explore the ruins of an ancient city and learn about the civilization that once thrived there. The stunning hilltop location offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valley, adding to the experience. Additionally, the site is easily accessible from Oaxaca, making it a popular day trip for both history enthusiasts and travelers seeking to connect with Mexico’s ancient past.

How Old is This Place:

Monte Albán’s history dates back over 2,500 years. It was founded around 500 BC and served as the capital of the Zapotec civilization until around 850 AD. The site continued to be used for ceremonial purposes by subsequent civilizations until it was abandoned.

Additional Nearby Attractions:

Besides Monte Albán, there are other attractions and destinations in the state of Oaxaca that visitors can explore:

  • Oaxaca City: Explore the vibrant city of Oaxaca, known for its colonial architecture, markets, and culinary delights.
  • Hierve el Agua: Visit the stunning petrified waterfalls and natural pools of Hierve el Agua.
  • Mitla: Discover the archaeological site of Mitla, known for its intricate mosaics and ancient Zapotec ruins.
  • Tule Tree: See the massive Tule Tree, one of the largest and oldest trees in the world.

List of Activities:

  • Exploring the ancient ruins of Monte Albán and its monumental structures.
  • Admiring the panoramic views of the valley from the Great Plaza.
  • Learning about the Zapotec civilization and its history at the on-site museum.
  • Taking photographs of the unique Observatory and other architectural features.
  • Appreciating the cultural and historical significance of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Enjoying a guided tour to learn more about the site’s history and significance.

Combining the visit to Monte Albán with other nearby attractions and destinations.