Askja Caldera in Iceland: A remote volcanic caldera with a stunning blue lake, located in the central highlands

Askja Caldera-Remote Volcanic Area with Unique Landscape

Location and Overview: Askja is a remote volcanic caldera located in the central highlands of Iceland. It’s part of the Dyngjufjöll mountain range within the Vatnajökull National Park. Askja is known for its striking landscapes, including the Viti crater lake, and its association with significant volcanic events.

Visitor Fee: There was typically no entrance fee to visit Askja Caldera itself. However, reaching Askja often requires careful planning, transportation, and possibly guided tours, which could have associated fees. Please check for any updates regarding fees.

Transportation: Getting to Askja is challenging due to its remote location and rough terrain. Here are the main ways to get there:

  1. Super Jeep Tours: Many visitors choose guided super jeep tours that provide transportation to Askja. These tours are led by experienced guides who navigate the challenging highland roads.
  2. Self-Drive: Some adventurous travelers with 4×4 vehicles and off-road driving experience attempt the journey to Askja independently. However, it’s crucial to research road conditions and have the right equipment.

Things to Do:

  1. Hiking: Visitors can hike around the caldera rim and explore the unique volcanic landscapes. The hike to the Viti crater and the shores of Öskjuvatn lake is popular.
  2. Viti Crater: The Viti crater contains a geothermal lake, which can be swum in during the summer months. “Viti” means “hell” in Icelandic, but the water is relatively warm and safe for bathing.
  3. Photography: The stark beauty of Askja’s volcanic landscapes, crater lakes, and surrounding lava fields provide excellent opportunities for photography.
  4. Geological Exploration: Askja is of great geological interest due to its volcanic history, including the 1875 eruption that created the Viti crater.

Askja Caldera, Iceland: Volcanic caldera with a picturesque crater lake, located in the central highlands

Why People Enjoy Coming Here:

  1. Remote Wilderness: Askja offers a sense of isolation and immersion in Iceland’s untamed wilderness, attracting adventurers and nature enthusiasts.
  2. Unique Geology: The caldera’s unusual geological features, including the Viti crater and lava formations, intrigue geology enthusiasts and scientists.

Age of the Place: The geological formations and the caldera itself have been shaped over thousands of years due to volcanic activity. Askja’s recorded eruptions date back to the 18th century.

List of Activities:

  1. Hiking and exploring the caldera’s landscapes.
  2. Bathing in the Viti crater’s geothermal lake.
  3. Photography to capture the stark beauty of the caldera.
  4. Geological exploration to learn about the area’s volcanic history.

Additional Nearby Attractions:

  1. Vatnajökull National Park: As Askja is located within the national park, you have access to the park’s other attractions, including glaciers, waterfalls, and hiking trails.
  2. Herðubreið: Often called the “Queen of Icelandic Mountains,” Herðubreið is a distinctive, flat-topped mountain located not far from Askja.
  3. Dettifoss and Selfoss Waterfalls: These powerful waterfalls are located in the Jökulsárgljúfur canyon area of Vatnajökull National Park, and they are accessible from the Ring Road.