Visa Types

Tips and Hacks for Colombia - Pre-Arrival

50 Pre-Travel Tips for Colombian Adventure (from India)

Visas & Documentation:

  1. Visa Requirements: Check with the Colombian embassy in India for the latest visa requirements. You might need a tourist visa pre-arranged (
  2. Passport Validity: Ensure your passport has at least 6 months validity remaining from your intended arrival date in Colombia.
  3. Photocopies: Make photocopies of your passport, visa, and travel insurance documents. Keep them separate from the originals.

Health & Safety:

  1. Vaccinations: Check with your doctor or a travel clinic for recommended vaccinations for Colombia, including Hepatitis A & B, Typhoid, and Rabies.
  2. Travel Insurance: Get comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellation, and lost luggage.
  3. Safety: Colombia is much safer than its past reputation. However, stay vigilant in crowded areas, avoid isolated places at night, and use registered taxis.
  4. Altitude Sickness: If visiting high-altitude areas like Bogota, research altitude sickness and acclimatize properly.

Planning & Communication:

  1. Flights: Book flights well in advance, especially during peak season (December-January, July).
  2. Internal Travel: Consider booking inter-city flights or buses in advance, especially for popular routes during holidays.
  3. Accommodation: Research and book hotels, hostels, or Airbnbs based on your budget and preferred locations.
  4. Currency Exchange: Indian Rupee (INR) is not widely exchanged. Convert some cash to Colombian Peso (COP) before arrival or use ATMs.
  5. SIM Card: Purchase a local SIM card upon arrival for easier communication and internet access.

Culture & Language:

  1. Basic Spanish: Learn a few basic Spanish phrases to enhance your experience and connect with locals.
  2. Cultural Etiquette: Be respectful of local customs and traditions. Dress modestly when visiting religious sites.
  3. Bargaining: Bargaining is expected at street markets and with some independent vendors.
  4. Tipping: Tipping is not mandatory but appreciated in restaurants (10%) and for good service.

Money Matters & Packing:

  1. Credit Cards: While widely accepted in tourist areas, consider carrying backup cash for smaller purchases and rural areas.
  2. Travel Debit Card: Inform your bank about your travel dates to avoid card blocking during international transactions.
  3. Pack Light: Colombia has diverse climates, so pack versatile clothing for hot, cold, and rainy weather.
  4. Comfortable Shoes: Be prepared for walking on cobblestone streets and uneven terrain.
  5. Sunscreen & Hat: Colombia has strong UV rays. Pack sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat.
  6. Power Adapter: Colombia uses a different plug type than India. Pack a universal adapter.

Colombia Specifics:

  1. Coffee Lover's Paradise: Sample Colombian coffee - a national treasure! Explore different brewing methods and regions.
  2. Fruit Paradise: Colombia boasts a vast array of exotic fruits. Try them fresh, in juices, or as desserts.
  3. Festivals: Check the calendar for Colombian festivals during your visit. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and celebrations.

Deepen Your Colombian Experience:

  1. Go Beyond the Tourist Trail: Explore lesser-known towns and regions for a more authentic experience.
  2. Home Stays: Consider staying in a homestay to experience local life and practice Spanish.
  3. Street Food: Don't be afraid to try street food from vendors with good crowds. It's delicious and affordable!
  4. Coffee Tours: Immerse yourself in the world of Colombian coffee with a farm tour or tasting experience.
  5. Salsa Dancing: Take a salsa lesson and learn the vibrant dance style that is a big part of Colombian culture.

Nature & Adventure:

  1. Trekking in the Andes: Hike through stunning mountain scenery in national parks like Los Nevados or Tayrona.
  2. The Amazon Rainforest: Explore the awe-inspiring Amazon rainforest, spotting unique wildlife and indigenous communities.
  3. Caribbean Relaxation: Relax on the beautiful beaches of Cartagena, San Andres, or Providencia.
  4. Scuba Diving/Snorkeling: Explore Colombia's rich underwater world with scuba diving or snorkeling trips in the Caribbean or Pacific.
  5. Whale Watching: Go whale watching on the Pacific coast between July and November to see humpback whales migrating.

Unique Experiences:

  1. The Lost City (Ciudad Perdida): Trek through the jungle to discover this ancient indigenous city.
  2. Salt Cathedral of Zipaquira: Visit the unique Salt Cathedral, an underground marvel carved from salt mines.
  3. Medellin's Transformation: Explore Medellin, a city that has undergone a remarkable transformation from its troubled past.
  4. The Jeepneys of Willys: Ride in Colombia's iconic Willys Jeeps, a colorful and traditional mode of transport.
  5. Learn to Make Arepas: Take a cooking class and learn to make Colombia's staple food - Arepas.

Sustainable Travel:

  1. Support Local Businesses: Choose locally-owned hotels, restaurants, and shops to contribute to the local economy.
  2. Respect the Environment: Minimize waste, conserve water, and be mindful of your impact on natural areas.
  3. Responsible Souvenirs: Buy souvenirs from artisans and vendors who use sustainable practices.

Staying Connected & Safe:

  1. Download Apps: Download useful travel apps like ride-hailing services, translation tools, and offline maps.
  2. Register with Embassy: Register with the Indian embassy in Colombia for assistance if needed.
  3. Learn Basic Spanish Phrases: Knowing a few basic phrases goes a long way in emergencies or getting help.
  4. Photocopy Important Documents: Keep photocopies of your passport, visa, and travel insurance separate from the originals.
  5. Carry a First-Aid Kit: Pack basic medical supplies for minor cuts, scrapes, or upset stomachs.

Embrace the Unexpected:

  1. Be Open to New Experiences: Colombia offers something for everyone - embrace the unexpected and go with the flow.
  2. Learn from Local Interactions: The warmth and hospitality of Colombians will enrich your experience.

Bonus Tip: Download offline maps and translation apps for those times when internet access might be limited.

By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to having a safe, enjoyable, and unforgettable Colombian adventure!