Visa Types

Brazil Visa Categories: Types and Details

When planning a visit to Brazil, it’s crucial to understand the diverse visa options available. Brazil offers visas tailored for various purposes, including tourism, academic pursuits, and business engagements. Whether you’re seeking a short holiday, pursuing educational objectives, or conducting business affairs, Brazil provides a variety of visa options to suit your specific plans:

Here is a general overview of some common types of visas in Brazil:

  1. Visitor Visa (VIVIS): For individuals planning short-term visits to Brazil for tourism, leisure, or family purposes.
  2. Business Visa (VIVIS): Designed for those engaging in business activities such as meetings, conferences, and negotiations in Brazil.
  3. Transit Visa (VIVIS): Intended for travelers passing through Brazil to reach another destination.
  4. Diplomatic and Official Visa (VIDIP/VISOF): Reserved for diplomats, government officials, and those on official missions.
  5. Courtesy Visa (VICOR): Extended to individuals with diplomatic or official status as a gesture of courtesy.
  6. Cultural and Academic Visa (VITEM I): For individuals participating in cultural or academic exchanges, conferences, or artistic events.
  7. Study Visa (VITEM IV): Issued to those pursuing educational programs or courses in Brazil.
  8. Pre-Approved Work Visa (VITEM V): For individuals authorized to work in Brazil based on a prior approval process.
  9. Missionary Visa (VITEM VII): Granted to missionaries or religious workers conducting missions in Brazil.
  10. Investment Visa (VITEM IX): Aimed at individuals making significant investments in Brazil.
  11. Family Reunion Visa (VITEM XI): For family members of Brazilian citizens or residents seeking to reunite.
  12. Artist and Athlete Visa (VITEM XII): Designed for foreign artists and athletes participating in events or projects in Brazil.
  13. Digital Nomad Visa (VITEM XIV): Tailored for remote workers and freelancers who wish to work from Brazil temporarily.

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