Visa Types

Singapore Visa Shortage Occupations - Priority Applicants


COMPASS C5. Skills bonus – Shortage Occupation List (SOL)
If you’re hired for a job on the Shortage Occupation List (SOL) in a country that uses the Employment Pass (EP), you can earn extra points through the C5. Skills bonus.

What is the SOL
The SOL, or Shortage Occupation List, includes jobs that qualify for the COMPASS C5. Skills bonus. If the job is in the infocomm technology sector, it also makes the candidate eligible for a 5-year Employment Pass (EP). To get the C5. Skills bonus or a 5-year EP:

  1. Your candidate must do the duties specified for that shortage occupation.
  2. They must meet additional requirements.
  3. When applying for the EP, you need to choose the shortage occupation.

Updates to the SOL
The Shortage Occupation List (SOL) can change yearly to match job market needs. The next update is in March 2024, becoming active in September 2024. A thorough review of the SOL happens every 3 years.

Importantly, these updates won’t alter the duration of current Employment Passes (EPs).

SOL occupations by sector
The Shortage Occupation List (SOL) for various sectors was published in March 2023. This list will be effective from September 1, 2023, applying to new Employment Pass (EP) applications and renewals of EPs expiring from September 1, 2024.

Importantly, candidates in SOL occupations don’t have to be working in the specific sectors listed to qualify for bonus points.

The inaugural COMPASS Shortage Occupation List (SOL) is given below:

  • 1. Alternative protein food application scientist
  • Visa Exemption for Mauritius

    Job Title: Alternative Protein Food Product Development Scientist

    Job Responsibilities:

    • Lead new product development initiatives to create innovative food products within the alternative protein sector, employing various processes such as fermentation, extrusion, etc.
    • Explore and optimize functionalities of diverse raw materials including plant-based proteins, flavors, fats, and lipids for application in alternative food products.
    • Formulate recipes to enhance taste and texture, ensuring the overall quality of the end product.
    • Conduct consumer acceptance studies and sensory evaluations to refine and improve alternative protein food offerings.
    • Stay abreast of advancements in food processing technologies to incorporate cutting-edge techniques in product development.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates must fulfill both criteria (1) and (2):

    (1) Verification through MOM with Economic Development Board (EDB) and Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG), confirming affiliation with a firm in the Agritech space. New entrants can contact EDB or EnterpriseSG for validation.

    (2) Fulfill either (2a) or (2b):

    (2a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in one of the following disciplines: –

    • Bioengineering
    • Biomedical Sciences
    • Biomolecular Engineering
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Food Engineering
    • Food Science
    • Nutrition


    (2b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in one of the following job titles: –

    • Alternative Protein Food Application Scientist
    • Chef
    • Food and Drink Technologist
    • Food Processing Engineer
    • Food Processing Technician
    • Food Production Technician
    • Food Science Technician
    • Research and Development Chef

    Supporting Agency: EDB (Economic Development Board)Top of Form

  • 2. Novel food biotechnologist

    Job Title: Innovative Food Bioprocessing Specialist

    Job Responsibilities:

    • Develop and refine bioprocess parameters and protocols for the production of proteins, lipids, or other nutrients using biotechnological methods such as fermentation and cell culture.
    • Test and optimize bioprocess parameters to enhance yields, efficiency, and product quality of proteins, lipids, or other nutrients derived from biotechnological processes.
    • Perform post-bioprocessing treatments of ingredients and products, including downstream processing steps such as purification, concentration, and drying, with the goal of integrating them into various food matrices.
    • Conduct or validate laboratory analyses and findings on products to identify functionalities and results, facilitating the optimization of production models.
    • Drive innovation in bioprocessing to enhance product cost and quality.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates must fulfill both criteria (1) and (2):

    (1) Verification through MOM with the Economic Development Board (EDB) and Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG), confirming affiliation with a firm in the Agritech space. New entrants can contact EDB or EnterpriseSG for validation.

    (2) Fulfill either (2a) or (2b):

    (2a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in one of the following disciplines: – Bioengineering – Biomedical Sciences – Biomolecular Engineering – Chemical Engineering – Food Engineering – Food Science – Nutrition


    (2b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in one of the following job titles: –

    • Bioprocess Engineer
    • Food and Drink Technologist
    • Food Processing Engineer
    • Food Processing Technician
    • Food Production Manager
    • Food Production Technician
    • Food Science Technician
    • Manufacturing Engineer
    • Novel Food Biotechnologist
    • Process Engineer
    • Production Engineer

    Supporting Agency: EDB (Economic Development Board)

  • Financial Services
  • 1. Financial/investment adviser (ultra-high/high net worth, family office & philanthropy)

    1. Investment advisor (ultra-high/high net worth family office or philanthropy)

    Job Title: Wealth Management Strategist

    Job Responsibilities:

    • Act as a strategic advisor for clients with ultra-high, high net worth, family office, or philanthropic backgrounds, offering comprehensive guidance on their investment portfolios.
    • Drive holistic portfolio construction and asset allocation activities to tailor investment proposals, conduct portfolio analysis, and provide post-sales services to clients and relationship managers.
    • Specialize in emerging areas, such as philanthropy, and incorporate these elements into client portfolios.
    • Evaluate and understand clients’ overall risk appetite, investment objectives, and suitability, ensuring alignment with their financial goals.
    • Provide education to the sales force on various product solutions within the wealth management domain.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates must meet both criteria (1) and (2):

    (1) Verification through MOM with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), confirming the employer as a Singapore licensed financial institution (FI) engaged in private banking. FIs can seek clarifications directly from MAS.

    (2) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • Wealth Management Strategist
    • Investment Advisor (Ultra-High/High Net Worth/Family Office/Philanthropy)

    Supporting Agency: MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore)

    1. Relationship manager (ultra-high/high net worth, family office or philanthropy)

    Job Title: High Net Worth Relationship Manager

    Job Responsibilities:

    • Cultivate a deep understanding of the holistic needs of ultra-high, high net worth, or family office clients, collaborating with colleagues in investment products and solutions teams.
    • Develop and provide tailored advice and solutions to clients spanning successive generations and international borders, with a focus on emerging areas like philanthropy.
    • Establish, build, and nurture client relationships, ensuring a strong and lasting rapport.
    • Adopt a strategic perspective on clients’ investments, closely monitoring portfolio quality to ensure alignment with their financial goals.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates must meet both criteria (1) and (2):

    (1) Verification through MOM with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), confirming the employer as a Singapore licensed financial institution (FI) engaged in private banking. FIs can seek clarifications directly from MAS.

    (2) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • High Net Worth Relationship Manager
    • Relationship Manager (Ultra-High/High Net Worth/Family Office/Philanthropy)

    Supporting Agency: MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore)

    • Wealth planner (ultra-high/high net worth, family office or philanthropy)

    Job Title: Strategic Wealth Advisor

    Job Responsibilities:

    • Develop customized solutions for ultra-high, high net worth, or family office clients, encompassing trust planning, tax and estate planning, family office solutions, insurance-related needs, and emerging areas like philanthropy.
    • Apply knowledge of political, tax, and economic developments in specific countries to client situations, ensuring compliance with the bank’s general and wealth planning standards and policies.
    • Support relationship managers in client meetings, structuring, presentations, and post-sales activities related to asset ownership and transfer.
    • Provide technical and application training on wealth planning to relationship managers.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates must meet both criteria (1) and (2):

    (1) Verification through MOM with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), confirming the employer as a Singapore licensed financial institution (FI) engaged in private banking. FIs can seek clarifications directly from MAS.

    (2) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • Strategic Wealth Advisor
    • Wealth Planner (Ultra-High/High Net Worth/Family Office/Philanthropy)

    Supporting Agency: MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore)

  • Green Economy
  • 1. Carbon project/program manager

      Job Titles:

    1. Sustainable Carbon Program Manager
    2. Carbon Project Originator
    3. Carbon Project Manager

    Job Duties:

    • Utilize a combination of technical expertise and project management skills to develop carbon projects, ensuring successful registration and issuance of carbon credits under relevant crediting mechanisms.
    • Engage in tasks related to international regulations for carbon markets (e.g., Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement), application of carbon offset project standards and frameworks, and exploration of technology-based and nature-based solutions for carbon credits.
    • Conduct project development in the Asian/Southeast Asian context.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates must fulfill both criteria (1) and (2):

    (1) Verification through MOM with the Economic Development Board (EDB) confirming the affiliation with a firm in the Carbon Services space. New entrants can contact EDB for validation.

    (2) Fulfill either (2a) or (2b):

    (2a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in one of the following faculties: –

    • Earth Sciences
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Environmental Management
    • Environmental Policy
    • Sustainability Management
    • Sustainability Policy


    (2b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles: –

    • Carbon Auditor
    • Carbon Program Manager
    • Carbon Project Manager
    • Carbon Project Originator
    • Carbon Rating Analyst
    • Carbon Standards & Methodology Developer
    • Carbon Verification & Audit Specialist
    • Chief Sustainability Officer
    • Conservation Officer
    • Conservation Scientist
    • Energy and Sustainability Manager
    • Environmental Auditor
    • Environmental Compliance Officer
    • Environmental Impact Analyst
    • Environmental Management Consultant
    • Environmental Officer (Environmental Protection)
    • Environmental Program Coordinator
    • Natural Resource Analyst
    • Sustainability Officer
    • Sustainability Specialist

    Supporting Agency: EDB (Economic Development Board)

  • 2. Carbon standards and methodology analyst

    Job Titles:

    1. Carbon Rating Analyst
    2. Carbon Standards & Methodology Developer

    Job Duties:

    • Develop credible frameworks for assessing carbon projects, encompassing a variety of standards published by international organizations such as The Gold Standard and Verified Carbon Standard. These standards cover a wide range of carbon offset projects, including nature-based solutions (e.g., mangrove planting, afforestation, deforestation prevention) and technology solutions (e.g., renewable energy, biogas, high-efficiency cookstoves).
    • Create robust templates and procedures for project developers to follow, ensuring the issuance of carbon credits.
    • Engage in tasks related to international regulations for carbon markets (e.g., Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement), technology-based and nature-based solutions for carbon credits, application of carbon offset project standards and frameworks, and project development in the Asian or Southeast Asian context.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates must fulfill both criteria (1) and (2):

    (1) Verification through MOM with the Economic Development Board (EDB), confirming the affiliation with a firm in the Carbon Services space. New entrants can contact EDB for validation.

    (2) Fulfill either (2a) or (2b):

    (2a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in one of the following faculties: –

    • Earth Sciences
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Environmental Management
    • Environmental Policy
    • Sustainability Management
    • Sustainability Policy


    (2b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles: –

    • Carbon Auditor
    • Carbon Programme Manager
    • Carbon Project Manager
    • Carbon Project Originator
    • Carbon Rating Analyst
    • Carbon Standards & Methodology Developer
    • Carbon Verification & Audit Specialist
    • Chief Sustainability Officer
    • Conservation Officer
    • Conservation Scientist
    • Energy and Sustainability Manager
    • Environmental Auditor
    • Environmental Compliance Officer
    • Environmental Impact Analyst
    • Environmental Management Consultant
    • Environmental Officer (Environmental Protection)
    • Environmental Programme Coordinator
    • Natural Resource Analyst
    • Sustainability Officer
    • Sustainability Specialist

    Supporting Agency: EDB (Economic Development Board)

  • 3. Carbon trader

    Job Title: Carbon Trading Specialist

    Job Duties:

    • Engage in the trading or brokering of carbon credits.
    • Originate and structure deals related to carbon credits.
    • Facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers in the carbon credit market.
    • Conduct research and analysis on various aspects of the carbon market, including different types of carbon credits, their attributes (e.g., project type, region, co-benefits, crediting mechanism), and the quality of carbon credits based on Core Carbon Principles and Assessment Framework.
    • Analyze factors influencing price dynamics in over-the-counter markets or exchanges.
    • Stay informed about international regulations and policies related to carbon markets (e.g., Paris Agreement Article 6) and global/national compliance schemes with evolving regulations (e.g., Australia, China, European Union Emissions Trading System).

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates must meet both criteria (1) and (2):

    (1) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in carbon markets or carbon credit-related fields.

    (2) Possess at least a degree-equivalent qualification, scoring 10 points on COMPASS C2 Qualifications criteria.

    Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG) will assess all applications meeting these criteria and may contact employers for a business profile, including details on their carbon trading business.

    Supporting Agency: EnterpriseSG

  • 4. Carbon verification and audit specialist

    Job Titles:

    1. Carbon Auditor
    2. Carbon Verification & Audit Specialist

    Job Duties:

    • Evaluate whether carbon projects issuing carbon credits comply with regulatory requirements.
    • Conduct field visits or utilize technological solutions like geospatial imaging or satellite data to verify if data reported by project developers align with actual emission reductions.
    • Apply international and local regulations concerning greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Utilize impact indicators for measurement and reporting purposes.
    • Apply knowledge of climate governance issues.
    • Employ specific technologies (e.g., Geographic Information System data, sensors) for verifying emissions data submitted by project developers.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates must fulfill both criteria (1) and (2):

    (1) Verification through MOM with the Economic Development Board (EDB), confirming affiliation with a firm in the Carbon Services space. New entrants can contact EDB for validation.

    (2) Fulfill either (2a) or (2b):

    (2a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in one of the following faculties: –

    • Earth Sciences
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Environmental Management
    • Environmental Policy
    • Sustainability Management
    • Sustainability Policy


    (2b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles: –

    • Carbon Auditor
    • Carbon Programme Manager
    • Carbon Project Manager
    • Carbon Project Originator
    • Carbon Rating Analyst
    • Carbon Standards & Methodology Developer
    • Carbon Verification & Audit Specialist
    • Chief Sustainability Officer
    • Conservation Officer
    • Conservation Scientist
    • Energy and Sustainability Manager
    • Environmental Auditor
    • Environmental Compliance Officer
    • Environmental Impact Analyst
    • Environmental Management Consultant
    • Environmental Officer (Environmental Protection)
    • Environmental Programme Coordinator
    • Natural Resource Analyst
    • Sustainability Officer
    • Sustainability Specialist

    Supporting Agency: EDB (Economic Development Board)

  • Healthcare
  • 1. Clinical psychologist

    Job Title: Clinical Psychologist

    Job Duties:

    • Evaluate mental health and social needs, formulate care plans, and provide a variety of psychological therapies, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, across different age groups and settings, encompassing both hospital and community environments.
    • Refer to the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) Care to Go Beyond website for more detailed information on job duties.

    Additional Requirements: Candidates must possess at least a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology.

    MOH will review all applications and may reach out to employers for additional information.

    Supporting Agency: MOH (Ministry of Health)

  • 2. Diagnostic radiographer

    Job Titles:

    1. Diagnostic Radiographer
    2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologist
    3. Mammographer
    4. Medical Diagnostic Radiographer
    5. Radiologic Technologist

    Job Duties:

    • Plan, prepare, and execute diagnostic imaging examinations and post-processing using a diverse range of equipment and techniques, including X-rays, strong magnetic fields or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and high-frequency sound (ultrasound).
    • Refer to the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) Allied Health Professional Council (AHPC) website for more detailed information on job duties.

    Additional Requirements: Candidates must be registered with MOH’s AHPC.

    Supporting Agency: MOH (Ministry of Health)

  • 3. Occupational therapist

    Job Titles:

    1. Ergotherapist
    2. Occupational Therapist
    3. Occupational Therapist Manager
    4. Occupational Therapist Researcher

    Job Duties:

    • Assist individuals with physical, cognitive, developmental, social, or emotional conditions in improving their basic functions and abilities, facilitating their reintegration into society, and aiding their return to work, school, or daily life.
    • Refer to the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) Allied Health Professional Council (AHPC) website for more detailed information on job duties.

    Additional Requirements: Candidates must be registered with MOH’s AHPC.

    Supporting Agency: MOH (Ministry of Health)

  • 4. Physiotherapist

    Job Titles:

    1. Aquatic Physiotherapist
    2. Clinical Physiotherapist
    3. Physical Therapist
    4. Physiotherapist
    5. Physiotherapist Manager
    6. Physiotherapist Researcher
    7. Sports Physiotherapist
    8. Sports Physical Therapist

    Job Duties:

    • Assess, plan, and implement rehabilitative programs aimed at improving or restoring human motor functions, maximizing movement ability, alleviating pain syndromes, and treating or preventing physical challenges associated with injuries, diseases, and other impairments.
    • Apply a wide range of physical therapies and techniques, including exercises, manual techniques, electrical physical agents, technology, aids and appliances, and other therapeutic methods.
    • Refer to the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) Allied Health Professional Council (AHPC) website for more detailed information on job duties.

    Additional Requirements: Candidates must be registered with MOH’s AHPC.

    Supporting Agency: MOH (Ministry of Health)

  • 5. Registered nurse

    Job Titles:

    1. Assistant Director of Nursing
    2. Assistant Nurse Clinician
    3. Chief Nurse
    4. Clinic Nurse
    5. Clinical Nurse
    6. Deputy Director of Nursing
    7. Director of Nursing
    8. Emergency Nurse
    9. Industrial Nurse
    10. Maternity Nurse
    11. Nurse Anaesthetist
    12. Nurse Clinician
    13. Nurse Educator
    14. Nurse Manager
    15. Nurse Midwife
    16. Matron (Nursing)
    17. Obstetrics Nurse
    18. Occupational Health Nurse
    19. Orthopaedic Nurse
    20. Paediatric Nurse
    21. Perioperative Nurse
    22. Professional Nurse
    23. Psychiatric Nurse
    24. Public Health Nurse
    25. Registered Nurse
    26. School Nurse
    27. Sister (Nursing)
    28. Staff Nurse

    Job Duties:

    • Utilize evidence-based nursing knowledge and professional nursing judgment to assess health needs, provide nursing care, educate clients, and support individuals in managing their health holistically.
    • Practice collaboratively with other healthcare professionals and may work in various clinical contexts based on their education, preparation, and practice experience.
    • Refer to theSingapore Nursing Board website for more detailed information on job duties.

    Additional Requirements: Candidates must be registered with the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) Singapore Nursing Board.

    Supporting Agency: MOH (Ministry of Health)

  • Infocomm Technology

Experienced technology professionals applying for infocomm occupations on the Skills Occupation List (SOL) may qualify for an extended 5-year Employment Pass (EP) duration, subject to meeting additional criteria.Top of Form

  • 1. AI scientist/engineer

    1. Job Title: AI Engineer

    Job Duties:

    • Contribute to the production of scalable and optimized AI or machine learning (ML) models.
    • Focus on developing algorithms for the extraction, transformation, and loading of large volumes of real-time, unstructured data to deploy AI or ML solutions derived from theoretical data science models.
    • Conduct experiments to assess the performance of deployed models and identify and resolve any bugs that may arise in the process.
    • Collaborate within a team environment, applying expertise in statistics, scripting, and programming languages relevant to the firm’s requirements.
    • Work with the relevant software platforms used for deploying the models.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates should meet either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)


    (1b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • AI Engineer

    Supporting Agency: Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

    1. Job Title: AI Researcher or Scientis

    Job Duties:

    • Strategize and lead the development of innovative data analytic techniques, methodologies, and analytical solutions, covering the entire process from design and prototyping to testing.
    • Identify and develop fundamental data and AI science components essential for project delivery, architect specialized database and computing environments, and explore and visualize complex data sets to provide incremental business value.
    • Extract and integrate data from various sources, create advanced models and algorithms tailored to the business use case.
    • Conduct testing on data and AI models, interpret findings, and assess model performance for scaling and deployment.
    • Collaborate within a team setting, applying proficiency in statistics, scripting, and programming languages as required by the firm.
    • Work with relevant software platforms for the deployment of solutions.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates should meet either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)


    (1b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • AI Researcher or Scientist

    Supporting Agency: IMDA (Infocomm Media Development Authority)

  • 2. Applications/systems programmer

    Job Titles:

    1. Analyst Programmer
    2. Applications Programmer
    3. Computer Programmer
    4. Multimedia Programmer
    5. Systems Programmer
    6. Technical Programmer

    Job Duties:

    • Develop and maintain programmable code as per technical instructions and specifications for software applications and operating systems.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates should meet either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)


    (1b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • Analyst Programmer
    • Applications Programmer
    • Computer Programmer
    • Multimedia Programmer
    • Systems Programmer
    • Technical Programmer

    Supporting Agency: Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

  • 3. Cloud specialist

    Job Titles:

    1. Cloud Architect
    2. Cloud Engineer
    3. Cloud Operations Engineer
    4. Cloud Specialist

    Job Duties:

    • Deploy and configure solutions in the cloud.
    • Automate cloud operations, develop infrastructure automation scripts, and actively contribute to the continuous improvement of cloud solutions.
    • Participate in the specification, setup, and execution of Proof of Concepts and demonstrations for cloud solutions.
    • Administer and maintain servers across virtual platforms.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates should meet either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)


    (1b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • Cloud Architect
    • Cloud Engineer
    • Cloud Operations Engineer
    • Cloud Specialist

    Supporting Agency: Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

  • 4. Cyber risk specialist

    Job Titles:

    1. Cyber Compliance Specialist
    2. Cyber Governance Specialist
    3. Cyber Risk Analyst
    4. Cyber Risk Manager
    5. Cyber Threat Monitoring Analyst
    6. Cyber Security Consultant
    7. ICT Resilience Analyst
    8. ICT Resilience Manager
    9. ICT Security Consultant
    10. ICT Security Specialist
    11. Information Security Analyst
    12. Information Technology Security Specialist

    Job Duties:

    • Conduct cyber risk assessments to support technology initiatives, identifying IT-related risks, and determining appropriate controls for risk mitigation.
    • Monitor, track, and manage risk mitigations and exceptions, ensuring adequate monitoring capabilities are incorporated into solutions.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates should meet either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)


    (1b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • Cyber Compliance Specialist
    • Cyber Governance Specialist
    • Cyber Risk Analyst
    • Cyber Risk Manager
    • Cyber Threat Monitoring Analyst
    • Cyber Security Consultant
    • ICT Resilience Analyst
    • ICT Resilience Manager
    • ICT Security Consultant
    • ICT Security Specialist
    • Information Security Analyst
    • Information Technology Security Specialist

    Supporting Agency: Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

  • 5. Cybersecurity architect

    Job Titles:

    1. Cybersecurity Architect
    2. Cybersecurity Engineer
    3. ICT Security Engineer
    4. ICT Security Architect
    5. Information Systems Security Developer

    Job Duties:

    • Design, develop, and implement secure system architectures.
    • Incorporate security principles into the design of system architectures to mitigate risks associated with new technologies and business practices.
    • Create artifacts that span design, development, and implementation phases, outlining security principles and their relationship to the overall enterprise system architecture.
    • Conduct routine activities related to the periodic review and audit of infrastructure security systems, maintaining documentation of security standards and procedures.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates should meet either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)


    (1b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • Cybersecurity Architect
    • Cybersecurity Engineer
    • ICT Security Engineer
    • ICT Security Architect
    • Information Systems Security Developer

    Supporting Agency: Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

  • 6. Cybersecurity operations specialist

    Job Titles:

    1. Cyber Defense Incident Responder
    2. Cyber Incident Responder
    3. ICT Security Operations Analyst
    4. ICT Threat Monitoring Analyst

    Job Duties:

    • Conduct real-time analysis and trending of security log data from various security devices and systems.
    • Maintain data sources feeding the log monitoring system and develop/maintain detection and alerting rules.
    • Respond to user incident reports, evaluate the type and severity of security events.
    • Perform initial triage of incidents to rule out false positives.
    • Identify recurring security issues and risks, develop mitigation plans, and recommend process improvements.
    • Interpret and apply security policies and procedures.
    • Establish escalation processes for security incidents and develop contingency plans and disaster recovery procedures.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates should meet either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)


    (1b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • Cyber Defense Incident Responder
    • Cyber Incident Responder
    • ICT Security Operations Analyst
    • ICT Threat Monitoring Analyst

    Supporting Agency: Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

  • 7. Data scientist

    Job Titles:

    1. Chief Data Scientist
    2. Data Engineer
    3. Data Scientist
    4. Head of Data Analytics

    Job Duties:

    • Develop and implement techniques and analytics applications to transform raw data into meaningful information, utilizing data-oriented programming languages and visualization software.
    • Apply data mining, data modeling, natural language processing, and machine learning to extract and analyze information from large structured and unstructured datasets.
    • Visualize, interpret, and report data findings, and may create dynamic data reports as well.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates should meet either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)


    (1b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • Chief Data Scientist
    • Data Engineer
    • Data Scientist
    • Head of Data Analytics

    Supporting Agency: Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

  • 8. Digital forensics specialist

    Eligible job titles

    • Computer forensics expert
    • Computer forensics investigator
    • Cyber forensics expert
    • Cyber forensics investigation specialist
    • Cyber incident investigation specialist
    • Cyber threat investigation specialist
    • Digital forensic expert
    • Digital forensics analyst
    • ICT forensics expert
    • Information forensics expert

    Job duties

    • Conduct complex post-incident forensic analysis to investigate causes of intrusion, attack, loss, or breach occurring in an organisation.
    • Identify and define forensic issues and root causes.
    • Develop reports that detail incident timeline, evidence, findings, conclusions and recommendations.
    • Support the design of a breach notification process after a security incident to minimise damage and downtime when attacks and exploits occur.
    • Select, test, and deploy security products and collect information about Internet-based criminal activities.
    • Recommend corrective actions to prevent and mitigate internal control failures.

    Additional requirements                                                             

    Candidates should have either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) At least a Bachelor’s degree in any of these faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)

    (1b) Minimum total three years’ work experience in at least one of these job titles:

    • Computer forensics expert
    • Computer forensics investigator
    • Cyber forensics expert
    • Cyber forensics investigation specialist
    • Cyber incident investigation specialist
    • Cyber threat investigation specialist
    • Digital forensic expert
    • Digital forensics analyst
    • ICT forensics expert
    • Information forensics expert

    Supporting agency

    Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

  • 9. Penetration testing specialist

    Job Titles:

    1. Ethical Hacker
    2. Exploitation Analyst
    3. ICT Security Tester
    4. Network Security Tester
    5. Penetration Testing Specialist
    6. Security Penetration Tester
    7. Security Penetration Testing Manager
    8. System Security Tester
    9. Vulnerability Analyst

    Job Duties:

    • Design and perform tests and check cases to determine if infrastructure components, systems, and applications meet confidentiality, integrity, authentication, availability, authorization, and non-repudiation standards.
    • Translate requirements into a test plan, write and execute test scripts or codes following standards and procedures to determine vulnerability to attacks.
    • Certify infrastructure components, systems, and applications that meet security standards.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates should meet either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)


    (1b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • Ethical Hacker
    • Exploitation Analyst
    • ICT Security Tester
    • Network Security Tester
    • Penetration Testing Specialist
    • Security Penetration Tester
    • Security Penetration Testing Manager
    • System Security Tester
    • Vulnerability Analyst

    Supporting Agency: Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

  • 10. Product manager (digital)

    Job Title: Digital Product Manager

    Job Duties:

    • Manage the entire product line life cycle, from strategic planning to tactical activities.
    • Support product positioning and customer demand, guiding product development from conception to launch.
    • Evaluate product functionalities and performance, proposing enhancements based on market feedback.
    • Research and analyze potential partner relationships, generating ideas to grow market share, improve customer experience, and drive growth.
    • Drive market research studies to explore new technology and oversee the development of business proposals for new opportunities.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates should meet either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)


    (1b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience as a Digital Product Manager.

    Supporting Agency: Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

  • 11. Software and applications manager (technical lead/supervisor)

    Job Titles:

    1. Application Development Manager
    2. Head of Applications Development
    3. Software and Applications Manager
    4. Software Development Manager

    Job Duties:

    • Oversee the acquisition and development of software systems in organizational units.
    • Monitor the results and quality of different software solutions and projects implemented in the organization.
    • Oversee the development of Proof-of-Concept/solutions and provide technical expertise on the development of software and platform features, ensuring that appropriate security and risk factors are considered.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates should meet either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)


    (1b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • Application Development Manager
    • Head of Applications Development
    • Software and Applications Manager
    • Software Development Manager

    Supporting Agency: Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

  • 12. Software developer

    Job Titles:

    1. Application Development Manager
    2. Head of Applications Development
    3. Software and Applications Manager
    4. Software Development Manager

    Job Duties:

    • Oversee the acquisition and development of software systems in organizational units.
    • Monitor the results and quality of different software solutions and projects implemented in the organization.
    • Oversee the development of Proof-of-Concept/solutions and provide technical expertise on the development of software and platform features, ensuring that appropriate security and risk factors are considered.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates should meet either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)


    (1b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • Application Development Manager
    • Head of Applications Development
    • Software and Applications Manager
    • Software Development Manager

    Supporting Agency: Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

  • 13. Web and mobile applications developer

    Job Titles:

    1. Mobile Applications Developer
    2. Web Developer

    Job Duties:

    • Research, analyze, and evaluate requirements for existing or new web and mobile applications.
    • Design, develop, test, and maintain web and mobile solutions to meet the requirements.
    • Evaluate programming codes to ensure they are properly structured, meet industry standards, and are compatible with browsers and devices.
    • Develop website infrastructure and integrate websites with other computer applications.

    Additional Requirements:

    Candidates should meet either (1a) or (1b):

    (1a) Possess at least a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following faculties:

    • Computer Science
    • Information Technology
    • Programming & Systems Analysis
    • Science (Computer Studies)


    (1b) Accumulate a minimum of three years of work experience in at least one of the following job titles:

    • Mobile Applications Developer
    • Web Developer

    Supporting Agency: Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

  • Maritime
  • 1. Marine superintendent

    Eligible Job Titles:

    1. Marine Superintendent (Deck)
    2. Marine Superintendent

    Job Duties:

    • Direct or arrange on-shore services such as the supply of ships’ stores and equipment, ship inspections and overhauls, crew replacements, and navigational information for shipping company vessels arriving in port.
    • Order ship’s stores, deck and navigation equipment, and fuel for delivery according to the ship master’s requirements, and arrange for inspections, tests, and overhauls as required by regulations or company practices.

    Additional Requirements: Candidates should possess at least a Level 1 Certificate of Competency from Singapore’s Maritime Port Authority (MPA) or any of the 69 maritime administrations listed, which should be declared as a post-secondary diploma in the EP application form.

    Supporting Agency: MPA

  • 2. Marine technical superintendent

    Eligible Job Titles:

    1. Marine/Vessel Manager
    2. Marine Superintendent (Engineer)
    3. Technical Superintendent (Marine)

    Job Duties:

    • Oversee the technical or engineering functions of the fleet.
    • Plan, control, and execute all activities connected with maintenance, repairs, survey and certificate requirements, dry-docking, conversion, or modification of assigned vessels, in addition to monitoring and controlling costs of repairs and maintenance while ensuring that all vessels comply with factory, class, or charterer requirements.

    Additional Requirements: Candidates should possess at least a Level 1 Certificate of Competency from Singapore’s Maritime Port Authority (MPA) or any of 69 maritime administrations listed, which should be declared as a post-secondary diploma in the EP application form.

    Supporting Agency: MPA

Information sourced from: