Visa Types

Tips and Hacks for Denmark - Pre-Arrival

50 Tips and Hacks for Travelers from India Going to Denmark (Before You Travel)

Denmark offers a beautiful experience, but preparation is key! Here are 50 tips to smoothen your journey:

Visas and Documentation (1-10):

  1. Visa Application: Apply for a Schengen visa well in advance (3 months recommended) -
  2. Travel Insurance: Get travel insurance covering medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost luggage.
  3. Passport Validity: Ensure your passport is valid for at least 6 months beyond your stay and has blank pages.
  4. Photocopies: Make photocopies of your passport, visa, and travel documents for emergencies.
  5. Flight Confirmation & Itinerary: Print a copy of your flight confirmation and itinerary for reference.
  6. International Driver's Permit: If planning to rent a car, obtain an International Driver's Permit (IDP) from India.
  7. Accommodation Bookings: Confirm your accommodation bookings with printed confirmations.
  8. Currency Exchange: Exchange some Indian Rupees (INR) to Danish Kroner (DKK) for initial expenses. Consider using travel cards for better rates.

Planning and Research (11-20):

  1. Research Denmark: Familiarize yourself with Danish culture, customs, and etiquette.
  2. Learn Basic Danish: Learn a few basic Danish phrases for a more enriching experience.
  3. Weather and Clothing: Research Denmark's weather for your travel dates and pack accordingly. Layers are key!
  4. Shoe Comfort: Pack comfortable walking shoes suitable for cobblestones and varying weather.
  5. Power Adapter: Denmark uses plugs with two round prongs. Pack a universal adapter.
  6. Download Apps: Download offline maps, translation apps, and public transport apps for easy navigation.
  7. Schedule Activities: Research and pre-book tickets for popular attractions and tours if needed.

Health and Safety (21-30):

  1. Vaccinations: Check if any vaccinations are recommended or required for Denmark.
  2. Basic Medication: Pack a first-aid kit and any medication you might need.
  3. Emergency Numbers: Store emergency contact information for Denmark (police, ambulance, etc.) on your phone.
  4. Travel Safety: Be aware of your surroundings, keep valuables secure, and avoid carrying large sums of cash.
  5. Sun Protection: Pack sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat, especially during summer months.

Money and Communication (31-40):

  1. ATM Cards: Inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid card blockage for international use.
  2. Currency Exchange: Research currency exchange rates and consider using travel cards for better rates abroad.
  3. Budgeting: Plan your daily budget for food, transportation, and activities to avoid overspending.
  4. Tipping Culture: Tipping is not mandatory in Denmark, but a small gratuity for exceptional service is appreciated.
  5. Mobile Data: Consider purchasing a local SIM card with data for internet access and calls within Denmark.
  6. Free Wi-Fi: Utilize free Wi-Fi hotspots available in cafes, restaurants, and hotels.
  7. International Roaming: Check with your mobile provider regarding international roaming charges.

Food and Culture (41-50):

  1. Local Cuisine: Try traditional Danish food like Smørrebrød (open-faced sandwiches) and Frikadeller (meatballs).
  2. Dietary Restrictions: Research vegetarian/vegan options if applicable.
  3. Grocery Shopping: Explore local grocery stores to experience Danish food culture.
  4. Sustainable Travel: Pack a reusable water bottle and shopping bag to minimize waste.
  5. Respectful Behavior: Be mindful of Danish customs and traditions. Dress modestly when visiting religious sites.
  6. Public Transport: Utilize the efficient public transport system of Denmark (buses, trains, metro).
  7. Cycling Culture: Rent a bike and experience Copenhagen like a local!
  8. Language Barrier: Don't be afraid to use basic Danish phrases or gestures for communication.
  9. Sustainable Souvenirs: Buy local handicrafts or eco-friendly souvenirs to support local businesses.
  10. Bargaining: Bargaining is not customary in Denmark. Prices are usually fixed.
  11. Learn Hygge: Embrace the Danish concept of "Hygge" - finding coziness and joy in everyday moments.

Food and Culture (Continued) (39-45):

  1. Learn Hygge (continued): Experience Hygge by enjoying a cozy cafe visit with pastries or relaxing in a park.
  2. Respect Personal Space: Danes value personal space. Maintain a comfortable distance during conversations.
  3. Silence on Public Transport: Avoid loud phone calls or excessive noise on public transport.
  4. Cash for Taxis: Some taxis might not accept credit cards, so carry some cash for such situations.
  5. Drinking Culture: Alcohol consumption is legal in Denmark, but be mindful of public intoxication laws.
  6. Environmental Friendliness: Denmark prioritizes sustainability. Be eco-conscious by using public transport, recycling, and minimizing waste.
  7. LGBTQ+ Friendliness: Denmark is a progressive country. LGBTQ+ travelers can expect a welcoming environment.

Additional Tips (46-50):

  1. Learn Danish Greetings: Simple greetings like "Hej" (Hi) and "Tak" (Thank you) go a long way.
  2. Download Offline Resources: Download offline maps, translation apps, and essential Danish phrases for situations without internet.
  3. Carry a Water Bottle: Tap water in Denmark is safe to drink. Carry a reusable bottle to stay hydrated and save money.
  4. Explore Beyond Copenhagen: Venture outside Copenhagen to discover charming towns, historical sites, and stunning landscapes.
  5. Embrace the Experience: Be open to new experiences, embrace the Danish way of life, and create lasting memories!

By following these tips, you'll be well-prepared for a fantastic adventure in Denmark!