Visa Types

Poland Visa Shortage Occupations - Priority Applicants

In 2024, popular jobs in Poland include engineers, builders, programmers, agricultural workers, drivers, cooks, and movers. Men often work as welders, masons, fitters, electricians, and concrete workers, while women find opportunities in roles like maids, cleaners, seamstresses, and cashiers.

The highest-paying jobs are for doctors, lawyers, financiers, engineers, IT specialists, scientists, and professors, mainly in sectors like IT, real estate, industry, business, production, and vehicle-related services, with average earnings of at least 1000 euros per month.

A Manpower Group study revealed that 51% of Polish employers struggle to fill jobs, especially in civil, chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineering, as well as accounting, auditing, financial analysis, and IT.


No         Occupation

1            Accountant

2            Driver-international

3            Doctor (different directions)

4            Engineer (different directions)

5            Cook

6            Programmer (different directions)

7            Agricultural worker

8            Handyman

9            Builder (different directions)

10          Financial analyst